— Kin

Cosmos Apricota Lampshade

Group 2Created with Sketch.
— Kin

Cosmos Apricota Lampshade

Cosmos flowers symbolise order, harmony and balance. Cosmoses also represent peace, tranquillity, modesty and joy. In the Victorian Era, when floriography was at it's height, cosmos flowers symbolised joy in love and in life.


IC028KI — Petite 205mm x 130mm

IC029KI — Midi 305mm x 180mm

IC030KI — Grande 406mm x 300mm

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- Custom scale available upon request
- Designs can be printed on inner and outer of shade
- Suitable for ceiling or freestanding fittings
- Available to purchase via our online shop
- Made in the UK

Kin Collection

Joy in love and in life. Kin is a tapestry woven with threads of shared history, unspoken understanding, and a deep wellspring of love that knows no bounds. It is an ever evolving connection, a constellation of souls that illuminate the path of our lives. A reminder that in this vast world, we are never truly alone, for we carry our Kin.


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